Primary Licenses & Certificates- Before Operations -

Ministry of Commerce

Certificate of Incorporation (business registration)

General Tax Department

Tax Registration for Patent Tax, VAT Number and Registration Tax

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

License for Selling Agricultural Input Supplier


Location Approval License

Other Licenses & Certificates- During Operations -

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

Registration for Opening Enterprise, Establishment Ledger, Payroll & Internal Work Rule (within 30 days).

General Department of Taxation

Tax on Sign Board

Phnom Penh Municipality

Permit on Sign Board

Inspections during Application Process

Ministry of Agriculture

Business approval inspection

Phnom Penh Municipality

Location Approval Inspection

Inspections during Business Operation

Ministry of Interior

Fire Safety and Security Inspection

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

Labor Compliance Inspection

Phnom Penh Municipality

Business Location Inspection

Ministry of Agriculture

Inspection by MAFF Officer

Wholesale or Retail Business Selling Agricultural Input Suppliers - FAQS

Application for Setting up a New Wholesale or Retail Business Selling Agricultural Input Suppliers

All sizable enterprises selling agricultural inputs including pesticide, chemical fertilizer, seed, animal feed and animal medicine are required to have the following certificates/licenses:

  • Certificate of Incorporation (Business Registration)
  • License for Agricultural Input Suppliers
  • Tax Registration for Paten, VAT Number and Registration Tax
  • Location Approval License
  • Registration for Opening Enterprise, Establishment Ledger, Payroll and Internal Work Rule (within 30 days)
  • Tax Permit on Sign Board
  • Permit on Sign Board

All wholesalers/retailers selling agricultural input supplier in Cambodia are required to have an Agricultural Input Supplier License and other relevant licenses. You can apply for these licenses as below:

  • For Agricultural Input Supplier License to operate retail or wholesale business, you can apply it at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and      Fisheries (MAFF) in Phnom Penh or Provincial Department of Agriculture.
  • For Certificate of Incorporation (business registration), you can register your certificate through the following link: or you can go to Department of Business Registration/Provincial Department of Commerce to assist you in business registration.
  • For Tax Registration for Patent Tax, VAT Number and Registration Tax, you can apply them at General Department of Taxation in Phnom Penh or Provincial Tax Branch.
  • For Location Approval License, you can apply it at Phnom Penh Municipality/Provincial Hall.
  • For Registration for Opening Enterprise, Establishment Ledger, Payroll and Internal Work Rule, you can register it at Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training or online registration recognized by Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training.
  • For Tax Permit on Sign Board, you can apply it at General Department of Taxation or Provincial Tax Branch.
  • For Permit on Sign Board, you can apply it at Phnom Penh Municipality.

You are required to have the following documents for application process:

  • Application form attached with stamp (available sample)
  • Brief biography of business owner together 4 X 6 photos which is certified by local authority
  • Two copies of identity card
  • Business agreement in running the business
  • A letter to authorize the storage location issued by Environmental Department (for agricultural pesticide only)

Having a license for agricultural input supplier will provide you with the following benefits:

  1. Your business will be recognized as a legal entity and protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
  2. Your contractual relationships with business partners will have better legal standing, which is important in taking advantage of business opportunities, and increasing your access to resources such as financing; and
  3. You will be able to consult with officials on business start-up, running the business and consumer protection.

During application process of License for Agricultural Input Suppliers, you should expect:

  1. Inspection by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)/Provincial Department of Agriculture;
  2. Location Inspection by Phnom Penh Municipality/Local Authority.

While you are operating your retail/wholesale pesticide, chemical fertilizer, seed, animal feed and animal medicine business, you should also expect the following inspections:

  1. Fire Safety and Security Inspection by Ministry of Interior (MoI);
  2. Labor Compliance Inspection by Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MoLVT); and
  3. Local Authority Inspection by Ministry of Interior (MoI); and
  4. Inspection by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)/Provincial Department of Agriculture.